Is Trump a Pig?
Is President Trump a pig?
That’s what conservative commentator Bill Kristol thinks.
Was one of the president’s moronic tweets beneath the office of president, and did it represent what’s wrong with America?
That’s what conservative Republican senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina thinks.
Is what Trump tweeted “not normal” and beneath the dignity of the office of president?
That’s what conservative Republican senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska thinks.
What they’re all talking about, of course, is Trump’s unhinged, vicious tweets today in which he lashed out personally at a female cable TV show host.
I won’t repeat what Trump tweeted because it’s outrageous – at least to people with an ounce of sense.
Of course, that does not include Trump’s deputy press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders – who said the president will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media and the liberal elites within the media or Hollywood or anyone else.
So there you have it. That explains everything. Trump is the victim here. He — the president of the United States and the leader of the free world – is being bullied by cable TV hosts and that nasty liberal media – and he doesn’t have to take it.
In fact, he doesn’t have to take anything from anyone. That explains why he made the most outrageous comments and tweets about former Fox host and now NBC host Megyn Kelly. That explains his outrageous comments about a former beauty queen winner. That explains his outrageous comments last year about what he can do to any woman he wants to do it to.
Of course, I understand anything Trump says or does is just fine with those who back him. But what does their support of every outrageous thing he says or does say about them? And, really – would they like Trump to say outrageous things about their wives or girlfriends – or try to do outrageous things with them?
My guess is no, but I could be wrong. Perhaps those men who support Trump secretly (or not so secretly) want to insult their wives and girlfriends, and want to put their paws on them anytime, anywhere and do whatever they want with them. Maybe they also want Trump to do it to their wives and girlfriends.
Anyway, Sanders — the press spokeswoman — says that voters “knew what they were getting when they voted for Donald Trump, and he won overwhelmingly.”
Actually, Sarah, that last part is a lie. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, not your boss. Mr. Trump won the Electoral College vote.
So, after this latest round of stupid tweets, it should be clearer than ever that Trump will not act, as president, with any sense of dignity. His boorishness and hateful insults will go on and on.
All the rest of us — at least, the “rest of us” who believe that politics should not involve hatred and the personal destruction of those with whom we disagree — are going to have to hope that , once Donald Trump leaves office, we can regain the kind of decency in American politics that will let us move forward with a sense of intelligence and compromise.