My, My! Those Trumps!

Gosh, how I hate to keep writing about Donald Trump. I mean, I’d much rather be discussing such things as Fresno’s increasing murder rate, Fresno’s hot weather, Fresno’s silly turning-the-Fulton-Mall-into-Fulton-Street compulsion — you know. something about Fresno.

But no. The Donald Trumps — Senior and Junior — just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. They just can’t seem to stop inflicting wounds on themselves. They just can’t seem to — well, they can’t seem to act as if they aren’t lying and trying to hide something.

I am referring, of course, to Junior’s astonishing admission that he went into a meeting with someone he thought was a Russian government attorney. Someone who, Junior believed, had “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary (Clinton).” When Junior heard that this “government attorney” might have this information, he replied, “If it’s what you say, I love it.”

Junior was so enthusiastic about this prospect that he drew Paul Manafort — who was then running Senior’s presidential campaign — and Senior’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, into the same meeting.

The Russian “government attorney” had no such incriminating information, but the meeting did take place. And, of course, everyone — especially those who live in the “alternative universe” of Fox News and lunatic right-wing radio talk-show hosts — knows that Trump and those associated with his campaign and his administration have consistently denied that anyone in that campaign or administration had any inappropriate contacts with any Russians.

Junior only released his emails about his clandestine meeting after the New York Times — one of Senior’s favorite targets because the Times so often has the audacity to report embarrassing facts about Senior and his People — found out about them and was ready to publish. So far, Senior has not been able to claim the Times’ report is “fake news” because — well, because it’s true and because Junior confirmed it was true.

So now Junior’s defenders — including Senior, who has praised his son as being a “high-quality person” — say Junior’s totally inappropriate meeting with a Russian agent during a presidential campaign is not evidence that Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russians. Oh, no. Heaven forbid. They say that Junior’s indiscretion was merely a “rookie mistake” –one that almost anyone could have made.

And, of course, Junior says that Senior never knew about the meeting. That’s right — Trump’s son, his son-in-law and his campaign manager held a meeting with a secretive Russian during the presidential campaign — a meeting ostensibly designed to bring the Trump camp “dirt” about Hillary Clinton — and no one bothered to tell Senior.

Seriously? How can anyone — even blindly loyal Trump defenders — believe any of this? Or is it simply that — no matter what Trump or his people do — it’s okay because blindly loyal Trump defenders just hate Clinton and Democrats — and government — so anything goes? Yep. I think that’s it.

Well, I realize this little missive won’t change your minds, and that’s fine. But here’s something you should realize — if you’re a Trump defender. It really doesn’t matter what your hero does or says. Nor does it matter what Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Fox News say. Sure, they’ll make you feel good about Trump when you listen to or watch them.

But none of them will have any influence over the Special Counsel’s ongoing investigation — or the FBI’s continuing inquiry — into possible collusion between the Russians and Trump and his people. Those investigations will take time — but once they’re completed — oh, my. Mr. Trump and his people could be exonerated — but I sure wouldn’t bet my house or car on that.

Meanwhile — gosh, Fresno’s murder rate sure is skyrocketing. Gosh, it’s hot outside. And good golly, that turning-the-Fulton-Mall-into-Fulton Street project is surely a scam because –and take this one to the bank — it’s not only not a “game-changer” for downtown — it’s nothing but a PR stunt.