Hart: Clinton Will Win

If I had written this piece a few days ago, instead of at 7 p.m. on this Sunday night before the presidential election, my headline would have read, “Trump Will Win.”

Because until a few days ago, it seemed as if Hillary Clinton was bleeding votes.  FBI Director James Comey’s startling announcement on Oct. 28 that emails possibly “pertinent” to the investigation into Hillary’s private server had been discovered on a computer owned by that piece of human garbage, Anthony Weiner — the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin — seemed to be the final blow against Clinton.

Hillary Clinton testifying before Congress
Hillary Clinton testifying before Congress

She consistently has lied about that private server — as well as many other things — and Comey’s announcement precipitated a weeklong series of declining poll numbers for Clinton.

And then, just hours ago, came another Comey bombshell — the announcement that no charges would be brought against Clinton in connection with those emails.

Yes, Comey has botched the last 10 days of this election, but that’s debate for another time. Now, with polls showing Clinton with a slight lead over Trump and with a much easier path to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House, I think she will eke out victory.

No, I’m not “sure,” nor is anyone else. But in this incredible, unpredictable, out-of-control election year, I can only give you my best guess. On Tuesday night, we’ll all find out, together, whether whether Trump has fooled me and all the pollsters — and whether there is, indeed, a “secret” group of Trump voters who will emerge to push their White Knight into the Oval Office.