Elliott: Trump Will Win

Something raw and unpolished is loose in the land. More than anger, it is emanating from a precinct seldom examined by the pollsters and the press. It is the perceived loss of freedom at the hands of a smothering big government. We are beset by a vast collection of rules, restrictions, blandishments and recriminations which, taken as a whole, sap the creative life from the very things that made our once-young country unique and great.  Donald Trump has stumbled into a rich vein of resentment.

We need a new spark and a clean break. Shall we find it in a naughty and bawdy bully from Queens? Or is the shrill fishwife from Park Ridge the answer?

James Comey’s coy re-gifting of the decision about Mrs. Clinton’s emails has helped, then hurt, then helped her cause again.   Clinton’s sophistry is cunning and well-crafted. If she wins, it will be four more years of Obama-style rule painted with a patina of maturing Clinton corruption. Yet the progressive appeal is intoxicating and addictive. Tens of millions will answer.

Trump is inarticulate, accustomed to winning through bluff and intimidation, rarely studies and couldn’t quote a classic to save his soul. The Trump tribe is brittle and quick to take offense. If he loses it will be because he wasted time slapping at every insult, real or imagined, while tossing away the natural advantages he was so generously given. If he wins, there is a chance that he might surround himself with experts in given fields and let them govern as fiduciaries.

I like his chances.