What Trump Will Say

He’ll say what he always says,  “Make America Great Again.” The words “great” and “best” will be used often.  Donald Trump’s power base will not abide his straying from the conservative reform path, so he will concentrate on Health Care, Taxes, Immigration.

Health Care repeal and reform is well underway.  Too bad, because it’s being rushed by the Republicans, even though they’ve had six years to get it right.  They won’t.  Health Care will be a worry for years to come.

On taxes, Trump will look and act like Reagan — Donald Reagan has a nice, historical ring to it.  An across the board tax cut for all shades of Americans will be enacted quickly by the majority Red Ones and all of America (even democrats) will benefit.  The business tax rate will be cut to 15%, a huge reduction that will spur an untold economic surge – more jobs, healthy profits, happy constituents.  Optimism will return.

The new president will build that fence/wall on the southern border — fulfillment of a highly visible campaign promise.  Easy to do –  he’s a builder, he builds stuff.  But he knows enforcing current U.S. law will do wonders, as well.

On foreign affairs and security there will be serious early threats, most likely from China over her militarization of the South China Sea.  Trump expects challenges and is re-building America’s readiness.  He will not apologize for offering to talk with Putin.

He hires experts and expertise, starting with the military. Generals Mattis and Kelly were both cashiered by Obama, reason enough to hire them.  There will be more.

Trump will go to war against the army of unelected regulators who have terrorized average Americans and ruined the EPA, IRS, FBI, Education Department and many more. 

Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), barely able to count to two, will sit out another inauguration with 60 of his pals — something about illegitimate.  Good, that frees up some seats.

Friday afternoon in the Oval Office will be big fun un-doing much of Barry’s last-minute spiteful mischief.  Then, it’s off to his first tutorial, “Acting Presidential in a Humble New World.”