Trump’s Terrible Day
You may have heard about a children’s book titled “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” Maybe you even read it to your kids.
Guess what? President Trump had one of those terrible, horrible days on Monday – and now the very future of his presidency may hang in the balance.
Because on Monday, FBI director James Comey became Mr. Trump’s worst nightmare.
Remember – back during the presidential campaign – Trump thought Comey was gutsy and honorable for re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Well, on Monday, gutsy and honorable Comey told the world that there was no evidence – none that anyone could find – that confirmed the outrageous claims that Trump has continued to make that former president Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the campaign.

In other words – Mr. Trump – our president – has lied over and over about that.
But it got a lot worse for Mr. Trump after that because the FBI director then confirmed that his agency is investigating possible collusion between Trump campaign officials with Russia during the presidential campaign.
President Trump has always called any hint of
collusion “fake news.” Well, the FBI investigation is anything but fake.
So what does all this mean? At the least, it means Trump’s off to a terrible, horrible start to his presidency – partly because he just cannot keep from lying – and it jeopardizes everything he wants to get done.
A new Gallup poll shows that only 39 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing. That 39 percent represents Trump’s core supporters, who will back him no matter what he says or does or how often he lies. They just hate government and want Mr. Trump to eviscerate it.
Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley — who has written biographies on Gerald Ford, Franklin Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt — calls this “the most failed first 100 days of any president.” And Trump has only been president for 60 days, giving him 40 more to fail even more emphatically.
And what if the FBI finds that Trump or his associates colluded with the Russians to sway the presidential election? Then impeachment will not be off the table.
And Donald Trump will face the most horrible days of all.