
Presidential temperament never was much of a qualifier for the nation’s highest office until the current cycle. Judging by how easily Hillary Clinton got under The Donald’s skin at the debate on Monday night, there could be some tomfoolery just over the western horizon between the North Korean fellow and the New York deal-maker. Imagine Donald cracking wise on his second or third day in the Oval Office – cracking wise about the goofy fade haircut favored by Kim Jung Un, which Kim likes to call “ambitious,” while Americans of a certain age have always referred to as “high and tight” or “white walls.” The North Korean leader reportedly has decreed that his stylish creation is now the only acceptable hairdo for any and all males in his country.

2015%2f02%2f20%2f23%2fkimjongun_c-0d183            So now comes The Donald, feeling flush with his landslide victory. During his fifth news conference in the Oval in three days, the newly constituted White House press corps is pretty puffed up at being invited to share a taste of Presidential single malt, Trump opines, “It’s atrocious what that little pip squeak has done to his hair. He calls it ‘ambitious?’ I call it atrocious. What’s he thinkin’?”

The 34-year old leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea gets word of the insult pretty quick and sends the new president a photograph of his finger — his index finger, right hand — hovering over the North Korean nuclear trigger.

President Donald doesn’t like it.  At his sixth news conference in three days, America watches in alarm as his face gets redder and his scowl gets deeper and his voice grows louder. The little guy from far away has gotten under The Donald’s skin quicker than a Clinton campaign commercial. A full-blown nuclear crisis gets underway.

The Pyongyang clothes-horse with a top-heavy hairdo has steered the new American president into a mistake before he’s even had a chance to make America great again. The showdown drags on for days, then weeks, then months.

Finally, after nearly a year of humiliating negotiations, President Trump is forced to accept what many Americans think he should have done in the first place: He loses the pumpkin colored comb down and goes with the coal black pile on top, high and tight on the back and sides. President Trump, looking presidential.screen-shot-2016-09-29-at-7-31-37-pm