Not Mr. Trump’s World
My wife and I just spent a few days at Walt’s World in Anaheim. And as always, Disneyland did not disappoint us, in spite of our long waits in lines that seemingly stretched forever.
Over more than 40 years of marriage, we’ve trekked to Disneyland perhaps two-dozen times. But this was our first visit since Donald Trump became president.

I thought about Mr. Trump while we were gliding our way through one of our favorite Disneyland attractions, “It’s a Small World.” That’s the one with the unforgettable song and all those cute kids in all those costumes from all those countries.
Disney created “It’s a Small World” for the New York World’s Fair in 1964. Then he moved it to Disneyland.
The message from “It’s a Small World” is simple: No matter how different we look or sound — no matter what language we speak or how we dress — we’re all in this world together and we need to get along.
How different Mr. Disney’s vision is from Mr. Trump’s. The president views the world as a dangerous, foreboding place whose inhabitants want to harm those of us who are fortunate enough to live in the United States.
In Mr. Trump’s world, immigrants are to be feared and loathed and kept out. Mr. Trump’s vision for the United States — a vision undoubtedly shared by many of his supporters — involves “turning back the clock” socially and culturally to a simpler, gentler time — perhaps the 1950’s or ’60’s.
The funny thing is — Walt Disney created “It’s a Small World” in those ’60’s. And another funny thing is — Mr. Disney was a Republican, like Mr. Trump. And another funny thing is — Mr. Disney was an incredibly successful businessman, known around the world — just like Mr. Trump.
But unlike Mr. Trump, Walt Disney did not feel the need to portray our world as a dark, foreboding place. He did not feel the need to demonize people, say outrageous things in public or act as if he were unhinged. Mr. Disney was, in short, a class act.
Yep. I miss Walt Disney. But at least I can keep returning to Disneyland to see and enjoy some of the fruits of his remarkable life and career.