Hillary for Mayor?
Holy cow, Hillary!
Here we are — several weeks removed from your loss to Donald Trump in the presidential election — and just a few days away from Mr. Trump’s inaugural address — and we’re still talking about you.
At least, the New York Times and the New York Post are. They both are suggesting that you run for office again. No, not the Oval Office — you’ve blown your chances for that particular space. No, the newspapers are suggesting that you run for mayor — mayor of New York City.
Well, now. Let’s just think about that for a moment. For starters, you don’t live in New York City, but, of course, you could just rent a space there and claim you reside in it. For another thing, New York City already seems to have a mayor, and the last time I checked, it’s a Democrat.
So why would you run against incumbent Bill de Blasio? One reason might be that you’re bored, just walking around your palatial estate in rural New York. After all, you really haven’t been known as a hiker, and it might get lonely, walking out there among the trees.
Another reason might be that you don’t want to spend much time in retirement around your husband Bill.
And yet another reason could be that true-blue establishment liberals in the Democratic Party really miss you. Bill de Blasio is liberal, but he’s not beloved like you are in that wing of the party.
But, Hillary, the thing is, while becoming mayor of the Big Apple might seem like fun, it’s really small potatoes compared to where you’ve been and what you’ve done. Do you really want to be in charge of snow removal during blizzards — or deal with angry sanitation workers who will be demanding more money — after the years you’ve spent traveling the world as Secretary of State and running for president?
Of course, the decision is yours. I was rather hoping we had seen the last of you as a public figure after November’s election, but if you really can’t stay out of the spotlight, then jump back in.
But instead of running for mayor of NYC, why not just become editor of the New York Times? The folks at the Times hate Mr. Trump as much as you do, so this truly would be a marriage made in heaven.