Elliott: Why Trump Won

Because at this moment in American history we need a pugnacious street fighter from Queens. Wealthy, beholden to no one and loved by very few, who better to drain the swamp and bury the bad old days than Donald Trump?

Ross Perot famously said during the 1992 presidential campaign, “That giant sucking sound is the sound of American jobs going south (of the border).” What we heard on Tuesday night was the sound, metaphorically, of American jobs starting to trickle back.

We heard bitch slaps — a lot of them. In fact, the entire Democrat Party was slapped into the realization that eight years of Barak Obama’s one-man extra-Constitutional rule has destroyed the party. Hillary Clinton’s assumption that she could inherit, indeed, was entitled to Obama’s mantle of power was just plain wrong. Clinton revealed herself in that witchy voice of hers to be venal, vindictive, and vitriolic.

The melody of Irving Gordon’s beautiful 1952 song, “Unforgettable” runs through our heads but the lyrics are now mockingly re-written as “Undeplorable;” Hillary Clinton’s dismissive line which perfectly described her contempt for the little people.

Echoes of a stupendous night, let’s recall the truly befuddled voice of Juan Williams on Fox News who spoke for the whole entitled class when he wondered repeatedly, “How can this be happening?”

It happened because the ruling class (including Juan Williams’ smart set of media types) contemptuously overestimated their own mastery and control of the levers of subjugation, while they vastly underestimated the desperation and anger of a large and growing subculture of Americans.

So thorough has been the Obama-Clinton debasement of honesty and integrity that few are now willing to trust the IRS, the FBI, the EPA and many others; they are utterly corrupted and of very little use to anyone.

Donald Trump’s re-construction job is monumental. Good thing he’s a builder.