Ashley Swearengin’s New Job

I was glad to hear that Fresno mayor Ashley Swearengin already has a new gig lined up when she leaves office in a few months. Swearengin is going to become the president and CEO of the Central Valley Community Foundation – a local nonprofit clearinghouse for charitable contributions and grants.
And I say – good for her. It’s a job right up her alley. Before she became mayor, Swearengin was director of the Office of Community and Economic Development at Fresno State and CEO of the Regional Jobs Initiative. Her soon-to-be job fits her skills beautifully.
She is smart. She is organized. She is – in my opinion – an outstanding administrator.
And she’s been a very good mayor for Fresno, leading the city through some incredibly difficult financial times – when our nation’s economy cratered – taking city finances down the drain all over the country. Swearengin had to guide Fresno through all of it, and it was painful. Government jobs were eliminated. Some city services were cut.
And someone had to take responsibility for the changes that had to be made. Swearengin never flinched. I covered her as a radio reporter for years – every city council meeting – every new announcement of job cuts – every appearance the mayor made before the council – explaining things.
And after every one of those meetings – Ashley Swearengin would meet with us reporters. Two of us – myself and George Hostetter of the Bee – had been around for years – so we asked the toughest questions – the serious questions about policy.
She never wavered. She always had answers. There was no hesitation.
I’ve covered lots of mayors of this city. Trust me – she’s been one of the best and the brightest. Maybe the best and brightest. I’ll miss her as mayor – and so will the city – whether it knows it or not.