America’s Worst Congressman?
If I were Republican Congressman Steve King of Iowa — and I’m not, I tell you, I’m not! — I’d be mighty upset at our own upstart Valley Congressman, Devin Nunes.
For years now, King has worked hard — hard, I tell you, hard! — at becoming known as the Worst Congressman in America. He has consistently said and done things that only a true moron would say or do. Along the way, he has accused former President of Obama of being and doing many things. He has leveled numerous outrageous statements about numerous outrageous topics.

But for the most part, King has aimed his stupid tongue at immigrants. Among other things, he has said that many female immigrants have calves the size of cantaloupes because they carry drugs across the border. Most recently, he opined that we could not restore our civilization with “somebody else’s babies.”
And by “somebody else’s,” King did not, by any means, refer to Rosemary’s babies. Oh, no. He was taking clear aim at — well, at people who were not like him. You know. The babies of foreigners, none of whom likely are named Rosemary.
So after years and years of comments like this, King had richly earned the title of Worst Congressman in America. Even folks back in Iowa — the ones not in his district — realize that he’s the epitome of bad.
And now, here comes our very own Devin Nunes — roaring right out of the fields of our very own Central Valley — not only overtaking King but, really, leaving him in our Valley dust — when it comes to being the Worst Congressman.

And all it took was for Nunes to become Donald Trump’s flunky. Yep. Here Devin is, the head of the House Intelligence Committee, completely compromising his committee’s investigation into possible ties between Trump associates and the Russians. Here Devin is, receiving secret information from someone inside the White House. Here Devin is, revealing that information first — not to his own committee — but to the press, and then to President Trump, and then to the press again.
And here comes Devin, canceling an open hearing set for this week that would have featured testimony from former intelligence chief James Clapper, former CIA director John Brennan and former acting attorney general Sally Yates.
And here comes Devin, canceling two “regular” Intelligence Committee meetings this week, without telling Democrats on the committee why.
Now, enraged Dems are calling for Nunes to recuse himself from his own Intelligence Committee’s investigation. Of course, Devin told them, in effect, “naa, naa, naa naa naa..”
What Devin’s actions are telling the rest of us is — “I’m in the tank for Trump — I am, I tell you, I am! And I’m going to protect him no matter what it takes.”
And by telling us that, Devin Nunes has stolen the crown of Worst Congressman in America from Steve King. He has, I tell you, he has!