All the Right Enemies

Mike Allen on the Hugh Hewitt radio program Monday morning: “(Donald Trump) is surging in the polls partly because he has all the right enemies.” Meaning, that the liberal “media armada” (another freshly-coined beauty, but by whom, I don’t know) is so lined up against him that Trump assumes the underdog mantle by default, and America loves the underdog. Going into the first presidential debate, Trump is still thought to be slightly behind Hillary because she has a lifetime of experience. That is, a lifetime of tightly-wound half-truths, quarter-truths, non-truths and out right lies.

All the right enemies plus some unlikely new supporters could spring an upset in the autumn of our discontent. My friend Dr. Scott Sturman sent this link over the weekend, or, try this: Yup, it is Rev. Luis Farrakhan explaining the reasons NOT to vote for Hillary Clinton. Very compelling material!

And Dr. Sturman was kind enough to send this, as well:

“My wife and I are up bright and early taking care of grandchildren, who have considerably more energy than we do.  Taking a few moments to check the news, a WSJ poll discussing the relative importance of tomorrow’s debate caught my eye.  49% of Hispanics and 42% of Blacks rate the debate “extremely important or quite important.” These groups form the bedrock of the Clinton base, but it appears for these cohorts the debate is more than just entertainment and an indication that their vote is still in play – a worrisome development for Clinton.

And what group is most procrustean and least likely to be affected by the debate?  Only 25% of liberals, so remarkably illiberal when it comes to the role of government and the whimsical interpretation of the Constitution, rate the debate as “somewhat or not important.”  Most have made up their minds, and when it comes to supporting Clinton, there is no crime or health problem that matters in the least.”

Predicting the outcome of tonight’s one-on-one debate is tricky business. My only advice is to watch Trump’s demeanor. He has been schooled by his children to put on his church voice tonight – no bluster, no bullying, shouting, sneering or belittling. Just give us the facts, your facts; they don’t need burnishing. In politics, as in bridge, a trump will always beat a suit of lies.