All Bets Are Off…
Whoo, boy. Talk about a late-October surprise that has roiled — absolutely roiled — the race for the White House.
FBI Director James Comey’s decision Friday to publicly disclose that his agency is looking into emails potentially pertinent to Hillary Clinton’s use of private emails has the potential to elect Donald Trump as president.
Forget everything that’s gone before. Forget all of Trump’s stupid statements, all his insults and put-downs, all his bragging about what he’s done or would like to do to women.
Forget Trump’s intellectual and emotional unfitness to be president. Put all that aside.
Because the fact is that Hillary Clinton’s incredibly dumb use of a personal email server while she was Secretary of State — and her insistent, persistent lies about it — appear to be coming back to bite her in the rear and perhaps destroy her run for the presidency.
And let’s not forget Hillary’s blind, unwavering allegiance to Huma Abedin, whose husband, Anthony Weiner — who enjoyed calling himself “Carlos Danger” — may now go down in history as the man who denied Clinton the White House.
It’s such an amazing turn of events that I hope writers for the Netflix series “House of Cards” are taking notes. Because no one saw this one coming.

The FBI was busy investigating Weiner for his continued sexting when they seized a computer that belonged to him and his estranged wife, Abedin. And lo and behold, what did investigators find? Well, we’re not sure, because all Comey is saying is there were emails that may or may not be relevant into the investigation of Hillary’s email use.
Now, the Clinton campaign — which appeared to be coasting to victory a few days ago — is trying to hang on for dear life. And Clinton herself is, rightfully, calling on the FBI to release more information so that American voters have something more to go on than emails that may — or may not — involve Clinton.
And just months after Republicans were criticizing Comey for not recommending criminal charges against Clinton, Democrats are now crying “foul.” But Comey was in a terrible position, because if he had not gone public with these new email discoveries, he’d be accused of “covering up” for Clinton if, indeed, those emails prove relevant.
It was Hillary’s unwavering loyalty to Abedin that kept Abedin by her side back when it became clear that Abedin’s piece-of-trash husband could prove to be a terrible political liability.
And it was Hillary’s use of that email server — and her lies about it — that set the stage for this most unexpected October surprise.
Now, if Weiner — who is nothing more than human debris — succeeds in derailing Clinton’s run for the White House — it will become one of the most unbelievable political stories ever, in this nation’s 240-year history.