Devin at Eleven

The public shaming of Representative Devin Nunes of California’s 22nd Congressional District some weeks ago might have been subterfuge, and well-played at that. It was never entirely clear why Mr. Nunes acceded so meekly to the shrill and obsequious hounding by the likes of Maxine Waters, Charles Schumer, and Adam Schiff to step away from an entirely bogus roorback about somebody in Washington talking with certain Russians about, well, something. The unctuous Mr. Schiff, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, was quick to stick a fork in Mr. Nunes and pronounce him unworthy of any further meddling in the “Russian Investigtion.” It was Schiff, after all, who as a young U.S. attorney’s investigator once prosecuted an FBI agent caught up in a sex-for-secrets affair with a Soviet agent named Svetlana. Schiff presumably knows a bad Russsian  when he sees one and after eight months of investigating he remains determined to find one.

Rep. Adam Schiff, left; Rep. Devin Nunes, right.
Aaron Bernstein/Reuters

While the “Russia-Gate” affair dominates each and every news cycle as it spots, then tastes, then spits out fresh bait from its ever-famished swamp maw, the Congressman from Tulare has quietly built an important parallel case looking into the highly illegal and downright sinister spying upon and unmasking of American citizens by the Barack Obama regime, especially in the frantic, final days before the Trump takeover.

It was a clever method to set aside a little “quiet” time for Nunes to get a handle on what will soon be the most explosive national scandal since Watergate. On Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Nunes personally signed and issued subpoenas demanding records from the NSA, CIA, and FBI about who in the Obama Administration had requested the names of Americans that were “unmasked” under routine surveillance. Nunes implicates former CIA Director, John Brennan; former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice; and former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Powers for openers. There will be many, many more subpoenas flowing from the real swamp-cleaners in the days and weeks ahead and many more famous names will be implicated.
Schiff whines that Nunes promised to “recuse” himself from the Russia Deal.  Nunes replies that his investigation ain’t Russia, he never used the word “recuse,” and besides, “I’m still the chairman of the committee, … I was going to set at least the Russia side of the investigation aside because I didn’t want to be the face of this investigation. But everything else, I’m still in charge of. Especially the unmasking.”
When newbie President Barack Obama took the side of a black college professor against police in Cambridge, Massachusetts in July, 2009, he set the anti-law and order tone for the duration of his term. Now, nearly eight years later, that disregard for rules, regulations, laws and Constitutional constraints, will begin to be rectified. The “worst” Congressman on The Hill is about to go public.  News at 11.